Make: Magazine vol 35

The Tantalus Cup

A very clever and very old practical joke. Using a hollowed out stem and the power of hidden syphon, this cup dribbles out fluid from the bottom if the would be drinker takes too much.


Make: Magazine vol 30

The Flying Wing

A plane that you can build and fly for under a 100 bucks.


Make: Magazine vol 28

The Bubble Generator

An automatic giant bubble blower, what house is complete without one?


Make: Magazine vol 25

Secret Knock Gumball Machine

A gumball machine with a piezoelectric sensor that only dispenses gumballs if you wrap out the correct knock sequence.


Make: Magazine vol 23

The Most Useless Machine

A machine that once built, does nothing but turn itself off. Kind of funny, kind of sad, kind of rad.

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